
Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Hearing Voices and other developments

On Monday the 10th of January, which seems like an awful long time ago now, we launched 'Hearing Voices' at the Western pub in Leicester. A very good crowd, over 60 people or so, which for an evevning of readings is pretty good and shows the eagerness of the people of Leicester and surrounding areas! Sold quite a few copies too.

We had many performers take to the open mic, some of whom were featured in issue 1 of the magazine. A very lively evening that was positively buzzing. Issue 2 should be out soon. Plus, PLUS! - there will be a second lauch at DMU's cultural exchanges week, some time in March.


  1. Just to say how much I enjoyed being part of the launch, Maria. It was a fabulous evening!

  2. It was good wasn't it. There's another one in March at DMU as part of cultural exchanges, might edit the blog to get that out.A superb reading by you!
